Mainsheet Purchase Review

A suggestion was made at the 2021 AGM by association members to review the existing mainsheet purchase maximum and the Class Rules and Tech Committee agreed to look into the proposal .  John Donovan has produced an extensive article (below) which combined with testing by several members of the fleet, has formed the basis on which a decision has been made. 

In summary;

  • it is acceptable to increase the mainsheet purchase from 9:1 (formerly 7:1) to a maximum of 10:1, 
  • the specification of the hardware is open/unrestricted, 
  • there will remain only one attachment point to the boom, and one to the traveler car, this prohibits internal boom systems or central tramp mounted systems.  

This decision was announced at the 2022 AGM.  The Rules and Tech Committee are in the process of reviewing the Class Rules in light of the above change and other amendments to the class rules. 

Remember, just because the rules do not say ‘you can’t….’, doesn’t mean ‘you can… !’

Rules and Tech Committee   Dec 2022

Class News – Rules Update